President of Botswana Wants to Rekindle Relations With FSU
September 20th, 2018 by Jake StofanFlorida State University was paid a visit by a prestigious alumnus Thursday morning.
His Excellency Mokgweetsi Eric Keabetswe Masisi, President of the Republic of Botswana returned to his alma matter to meet with University President John Thrasher and local lawmakers.
President Masisi obtained a Masters degree in education from Florida State in 1990.
Massi expressed his interest in rekindling a closer relationship with the university.
“There’s a lot of value that you bring and we have a number of universities, both public and private that would benefit from partnering with you and I want to beset you to use me and abuse me in creating those linkages, rekindling them,” said President Masisi. “And in our bilateral relations with the United States government, there is no reason why these should not be taken to greater heights.”
Massi and Thrasher touted FSU’s recent accomplishments including being named the 26th best public university in the nation.
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