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Corporate Tax Hike Just as Controversial as 1970

September 18th, 2018 by Mike Vasilinda
Democratic Gubernatorial Nominee is banking on support for an increase in corporate taxes to fund increases in education.
If Gillum wins, it won’t be the first time corporate taxes propelled an unknown candidate to the Governor’s mansion.
Reubin Askew was an obscure state Senator from Pensacola, running for Governor in 1970.
His platform: tax corporations to fund schools.
“Polls were overwhelmingly against it,” said Governor Askew in an interview shot in 2001.
The state’s top political reporter at the time wrote him off.
“She said, Rube, you didn’t have much chance to begin with. Now you’ve got none,” said Askew.
But then Askew’s discovered that buying a work shirt at Sears in Miami cost the same in Georgia.
“Sears paid Georgia to sell those shirts. Five hundred thousand dollars a year to sell those shirts. And people got indigent,” said Askew.
Now Democrat Andrew Gillum is proposing raising the corporate tax
“Not one Floridian will pay a dime more under our plan. Not one,” said Gillum.
Like in 1970, any new revenue from a higher corporate income tax, would go to fund public schools.
Businesses fiercely opposed Askew in 1970.
They are doing the same today.
“We’d be the highest in the entire southeast,” said David Hart with the Florida Chamber of Commerce. “And we’d even have higher taxes on our companies than New York.”
But Gillum says just like the shirts in 1970.
Big corporations don’t change their prices from state to state.
“The truth is that the corporate tax rate in the state of Georgia is higher than that of the state of Florida, and the 99 cent menu is the same in both our states,” said Gillum.
GOP lawmakers are already saying no, but that could change if Gillum gets elected.
Gillum is counting on Democratic gains in the state House and Senate to help him pass the corporate tax increase.

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