Suit to Remove Amendment 6 From Ballot Gets First Hearing
August 24th, 2018 by Mike VasilindaYet another amendment placed on the November’s ballot was in court today.
Amendment six adds crime victims rights to the constitution, changes how agency rules are interpreted by courts and raises the retirement age of judges.
Lawyers argued the amendment also takes away rights of defendants by giving victims more rights, but they zeroed in on the idea that the ballot title only mentions rights of crime victims and judges, not state agencies, and therefore, misleads voters.
Sot: Harvey Sepler
“So the title only mentions two of the three components in the proposal and you put that together with voter fatigue, I think you have a problem as to whether the voter understands looking at that what the proposal stands for,” said Attorney Havey Sepler.
“The ballot title doesn’t have to be very specific. It can be broad. In this case the reference to judges mentions two issues and that’s all that’s necessary and in addition as I said, the Supreme Court has made crystal clear, you can’t read the ballot title by itself. You have to read it along with the summary and if when you read both of them you understand everything that’s in it, that’s sufficient,” said Attorney Barry Richard, representing the state.
The judge indicated a speedy ruling.
Whatever she decides is expected to be appealed all the way to the state Supreme court.
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