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Explore Offshore Coalition Wants Florida to Consider Offshore Drilling

August 15th, 2018 by Jake Stofan
A coalition calling itself “Explore Offshore” wants to encourage the exploration of the oil and natural gas off the coast of Florida and other states.
“Reliable and affordable energy greatly bolsters economic security, which bolsters national security,” said Explore Offshore Co-Chair Jim Nicholson.
Nicholson previously served as the U.S. Secretary of Veterans Affairs under President George W. Bush.
Explore Offshore says drilling could bring in $2.6 billion a year, and create 56,000 jobs in Florida alone, but Jonathan Webber with Florida Conservation Voters says Florida can’t afford another disaster like the 2010 BP oil spill.
“Anything that would put our coastal tourism in jeopardy needs to be considered long and hard by our elected officials and the people of Florida,” said Webber.
Also serving as a co-chair of the coalition is former Florida Lieutenant Governor Jeff Kottkamp.
Kottkamp and Nicholson both say developments in technology have made off shore drilling safer than ever.
“We can do this in a balanced and responsible way to protect the environment of Florida,” said Kottkamp.
But Webber says no technology is fool-proof.
“There’s no human endeavor that’s ever been without any kind of human error,” said Webber.
President Donald Trump announced earlier this year offshore drilling would be on the table for The United States’ coastlines.
Soon after the announcement U.S. Department of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke announced Florida would be exempt.
“We are going to take the new oil platforms, new oil and gas platforms off the table,” said Zinke in January.
How much weight that commitment holds is unclear.
A constitutional amendment appearing on the November ballot would ban off shore drilling in state waters if it receives 60% voter approval.
A lawsuit filed Tuesday is seeking to remove the amendment from the ballot because it also would ban vaping in the workplace.

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