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Handling of Sexual Harassment Claim at OFR Under Scrutiny

May 30th, 2018 by Mike Vasilinda

A top financial regulator for the state of Florida is under fire tonight for allegedly not taking strong enough action against an employee accused of sexual harassment. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, a report of the incident was leaked to reporters as the State’s Chief Financial Officer is pushing to fire the states banking regulator.

On May 3rd, Florida CFO Jimmy Patronis wrote the States top financial regulator Drew Breakspear, telling him he he no longer has confidence in his ability to lead. Now a leaked report raises questions of the handling of a sex harassment allegation in his office.

According to the report, Last June after a night of drinking following a training conference in south Florida, a woman employee complained a co worker grabber her breast.

The male co worker denied intentionally touching the woman, saying he was drunk, and lost his balance trying to pick up a beer bottle that fell on the floor.

The Agency eventually decided the sexual harassment claim could not be proven. The male employee was counseled. 

The man in question still works at the agency, that building right there. The woman has quit and left the state.


Early Wednesday CFO Patronis texted following our request for an interview, saying he would see if he could find the time in his schedule. He didn’t. Drew Breakspear declined to be interviewed.

His fate will be decided when the Governor and Cabinet meet on June 13th.

The initial recommendation in the case was to ban Financial Services employees from drinking while traveling on state business. The agency decided the recommendation was unenforceable and likely not legal. 

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