Greyhound Breeders Sue Over Amendment 13
May 17th, 2018 by Jake StofanGreyhound breeders have filed a lawsuit, trying to derail a a constitutional amendment that could put them out of business.
Greyhound Racing will be banned if voters approve Amendment 13 this Fall.
Breeders fear losing a tradition they’ve upheld for generations.
“Right now we probably have eight to 9,000 dogs in the state and many more that are being raised at this time and all of those will be put at risk,” said Florida Greyhound Association President Jim Blanchard.
Recent polls show it passing overwhelming, so breeders are attacking the ballot language.
In a lawsuit breeders argue the ballot language is misleading, in part because bets could still be placed on races in other states.
If the courts agree, there wont be a vote.
“Live greyhound racing grossed over $82 million on just live greyhound racing last year alone. It is good for Florida and it’s good for the greyhounds,” said Jack Cory, a lobbyist for the Florida Greyhound Association.
Kate MacFall, campaign cochair for Protect Dogs-Yes on 13 says breeders are grasping at straws.
“It’s pretty much dead on arrival. It’s a desperate attempt by the greyhound breeders to prevent Florida voters from having a voice on amendment 13, on whether or not greyhound racing should continue,” said MacFall.
Breeders also argue tax payers could be on the hook for reimbursing Greyhound breeders and tracks for lost profits.
“You’re talking about 12 greyhound tracks, you’re talking about 8,000 greyhounds, you’re talking about 3,000 Florida jobs directly and another 10,000 indirectly,” said Cory.
Breeders estimate reimbursing the industry could cost between $500 million and $1 billion.
Breeders say regardless of how lower courts rule, they intend to appeal the case for a final decision by the State Supreme Court.
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