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Democrats Blast Governor Scott on Blind Trust

April 9th, 2018 by Jake Stofan

Governor Rick Scott is the wealthiest Florida Governor in modern history.

With Scott confirming a run for US Senate, Democrats are claiming Scott has hidden much of his wealth in a blind trust under his wife’s name.

Democrats wasted little time attacking Governor Rick Scott, releasing a website titled, “Self Serving Scott” along a wave of political ads ahead of his Monday morning announcement for U.S. Senate.

The ads call into question Scott’s net worth, which according to his latest financial disclosure put him at just shy of $150 million.

Scott is currently in the midst of a legal dispute, which seeks to see how much money is in his wife’s blind trust.

The suit was filed by Attorney Don Hinkle in November.


“The Governor admits that he controls and is the beneficial owner of assets that he’s not disclosing,” said Hinkle.

John Tupps with the Governor’s Communication’s office released this statement in response to the suit,

“This is nothing more than a publicity stunt. An identical complaint has already been rejected by a court of law, and the Florida Ethics Commission has also repeatedly rejected Mr. Hinkle’s arguments. He should quit wasting everyone’s time.”

Democrats have raised questions regarding whether Scott has used the blind trusts to hide potential profits earned since taking office.


“This blind trust is nothing but a sham so he could personally profit while he was in public office,” said Former Leon County Supervisor of Elections Ion Sancho.

Under Florida law Governor Scott wasn’t required to release the information while  Governor, but candidates for Federal office are required to disclose their spouse’s finances.

Now that Scott has announced he’s running for Senate, he has 30 days to disclose his wife’s finances, but he could ask for an extension of up to 90-days.

“He does not want to make these disclosures or he wants to delay them as long as possible into the election process,” said Hinkle.

Florida Democrats have posted a timer on their website, keeping track of how long it takes Governor Scott to disclose his assets since announcing his bid for U.S. Senate.

Scott will also have to make changes to his personal blind trust if he takes Federal office.

It’s currently managed by former business partners, but would have to be handed over to the care of someone not known to him personally in the event he wins.

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