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Capitol News Service » Blog Archive » Senator Bill Nelson Meets With State Democrats oil Gun Legislation

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Senator Bill Nelson Meets With State Democrats oil Gun Legislation

February 22nd, 2018 by Jake Stofan

After 5,000 people marched on the state Capitol demanding stricter gun laws, US Senator Bill Nelson made a stop in the Capitol to speak with House Democrats about the issue of gun control in the state.

Earlier in the week democrats tried to bring a proposal to ban assault weapons in the state up for a vote in the House, but it was shot down with 71 no votes. Senator Nelson says he’s not surprised. He says the only reason there seems to be any movement on other gun restrictions like increasing the age to purchase assault rifles and creating waiting periods is because of the passion shown by the victims of the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.

“Two years after Pulse, why hasn’t the state of Florida taken any action? Not one iota, until these kids come up and sit and look them in the eyeballs and demand that they do something because they are grieving so much,” said Sen. Nelson.  “So there’s been a lot of foot dragging over the years and I think people are getting fed up.”

Senator Nelson says he supports a ban on assault rifles. He noted the weapons were banned federally from 1194 to 2004. Since the law was repealed, mass casualty events have become more deadly.

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