Lawmakers Push For More Healthcare Options for Vets
February 15th, 2018 by Jake StofanState Senator Rene Garcia and a group of veterans and vert’s advocates are asking the Legislature to move legislation that seeks to increase healthcare access to Florida’s veterans.
The bill would create the Veterans Care Program within the Agency for Health Care Administration, which would work to get Federal dollars to help find alternative healthcare options for Veterans in the state.
Senator Gracia says it’s need because for some veterans, VA services aren’t easily accessible.
“We don’t want to take anything away from the VA. We want to make sure that we enhance and give and work in conjunction with our federal partners to ensure that especially those that live in real areas have access to quality care and most importantly choice,” said Garcia.
While the bill is steadily moving through the Senate, it’s stalled in the House. Advocates hope the language can be tagged on to another bill to help push it through the finish line.
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