Rally to Ban Fracking Held at the State Capitol
January 31st, 2018 by Jake Stofan
Environmental advocates held a rally on the State Capitol steps in support of Legislation to ban fracking.
Bills in both the House and Senate have been filed with bi-partisan support to ban the practice in the state, but neither have been scheduled for a committee hearing.
Supporters of the ban cite more than 900 health studies that point to fracking’s negative effect on the quality of drinking water.
Representative Sean Shaw is cosponsoring the House bill.
“Listen, I don’t understand why we have to do these every year, why we can’t get a hearing to ban fracking. I just don’t get it. It’s dangerous, the science proves that it’s dangerous, it’s not even particularly efficient,” said Shaw.
To date, 90 municipalities in the state have passed local bans on fracking.
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