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Immigration Debate Continues

January 31st, 2018 by Mike Vasilinda

House Speaker and likely Gubernatorial candidate Richard Corcoran is standing by a hard hitting TV spot depicting a young woman being killed by an illegal immigrant. The spot prompted Tallahassee Mayor Andrew to criticize the speaker. Now the two have agreed to a debate on sanctuary cities, even though they are from different party’s and neither has won their party’s nomination.
“In that commercial, we say this: was a illegal immigrant allowed back into America and given hide out status in a city? The answer is unenviably yes. As a result of that, was a young, beautiful girl killed? The answer is inequitably yes. If that’s true, than what Andrew gillum ought to do is say if those two things are yes which are unenviably true , than how do we fix it? Lets fix it so it never happens again” Corcoran told us.

Both Corcoran and Gillum are considered underdogs, if Corcoran runs for governor. A debate would likely boost both among their party’s primary electorate.

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