“In God We Trust” Could Soon Be Displayed on All School Buildings
January 23rd, 2018 by Jake StofanFlorida has called the phrase, “In God We Trust” its state motto since 1868. It’s on the state seal, which is prominently displayed in the capitol. It was also adopted as the country’s motto in 1956 and appears on the back of currency.
Representative Kimberly Daniels is looking to remind Florida’s school children of their right to religious freedom, by requiring the phrase to be displayed in public school buildings.
“You have to ask yourself,” said Daniels. “Why would anyone not want a motto that is so positive for our children displayed?”
The motto is already on the state flag, and the flag is required to be displayed in schools.
Begging the question, would the Legislation actually change anything?”
“If the Flag is displayed, the motto is displayed,” said Sue Woltanski with Common Cause Florida.
It was one of two concerns she posed in Tuesday’s committee hearing. She also thinks the proposal would cost too much.
“If I frame a picture, it costs $100,” said Woltanski. “How many schools do we have? I don’t know how many schools we have, but anything times 100 is a lot.”
Despite an unknown price tag, the proposal passed its first committee stop with unanimous approval.
Support crosses secular lines.
Representative Randy Fine is Jewish.
“I think it’s important for people to know that the First Amendment is freedom to practice religion, not freedom from religion,” said Fine.
Supporters say the display is in no way a governmental endorsement of religion.
The first appearance of the phrase, “In God We Trust” was on the two-cent coin in 1864.
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