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Fantasy Sports Legalization on the Move

December 7th, 2017 by Jake Stofan
Nationwide Fantasy Sports are a 150 billion dollar a year industry, but in Florida their legality is murky.
A new bill, approved 8 to 1 this morning, would officially legalize the games, but the Seminole Tribe is warning lawmakers to make their decision with caution.
Florida has been trying to clear up the legal limbo surrounding Fantasy Sports games since 2015. Despite the game’s questionable legal status roughly 3 of every twenty people in the state actively play and the companies regularly  advertise to the public.
Legislation approved by a Senate committee would officially give the green light to the games. Senate Sponsor Dana Young says this year the stand alone proposal has a shot.
“It routinely has been bundled up into larger gaming packages, which has led to its demise,” said Young.
While there are three million Floridians enjoying these games on a regular basis. 9 states have explicitly banned them.
The Seminole Tribe of Florida sent a letter to Legislative leaders, saying the legalization of the games would be an expansion of gambling and violate the tribes exclusivity compact with the state.
Young says the games are based on skill and don’t violate the pact.
“It’s matching my ability to look at statistics and the abilities of specific players and put together a strong team,” said Young.
Senator Jeff Brandes says he trusts Young will be able to work out the kinks in the legislation.
“These things evolve during session so I look forward to seeing how it all plays out,” said Brandes.
If the tribe pulls out of the compact, it would cost the state $200 million a year.
The bill doesn’t allow for betting on high school and college sports.

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