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Latvala Accuser Text: “Dreams He Lost Weight”

December 1st, 2017 by Mike Vasilinda


There are new text messages from the accuser tonight in the ongoing sexual harassment investigation of Clearwater State Senator Jack Latvala. The message surfaced after Latvala released dozens of messages Thursday. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, employment experts say the messages raise serious concerns.

In a newly released text message sent by accuser Rachel Perrin Rogers to another female Senate employee, Perrin Rogers says she had a dream about State Senator Latvala, including that he lost weight, a hundred pounds, and had dark hair. It follows the release of dozens of other messages between the accuser and Latvala in which she asks for help getting her step father out of jury duty, sends smily faces, and offers him cake. Employment lawyer Marie Mattox says the messages complicate her claim

Q: “Do those things, as an attorney, dilute her claim?” We asked.


“Absolutely” says Mattox. “If you have someone who is continuing to communicate and it appears to be an ongoing consensual relationship, than that would affect not only a lawyer’s evaluation, but its likely also how a jury looks at the case.”

In another text message obtained by Latvala’s lawyers, Rachel Perrin rogers says the message about the dream was a fake.


Latavala says the messages, which were all sent after the time Perrin Rogers says the harassment began exonerate him.

“Preparing meals for me, and so forth I think refutes this whole line of complaints that she has made” Latvala says.


The lawyer for Perrin Rogers confirms she was interviewed by the Senate Special master on Friday morning. She also says a criminal complaint remains an option.

Attorney Tiffany Cruz did not return a followup email when we asked about the dream text. Her statement was made earlier in the day before the latest text message


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