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FSU Students React to Fisher’s Resignation

December 1st, 2017 by Jake Stofan
It’s official, Jimbo Fisher is moving to Texas.
Fisher led Florida State Universities football team for 8 season, during which he scored the school three straight ACC Championship titles.
FSU President John Thrasher announced Fisher’s resignation Friday afternoon.
Thrasher called Fishers performance during his time at FSU exceptional.
At Florida State Fisher was the 5th highest paid coach in the nation, earning $5.7 million a year.
His new contract at Texas A&M reportedly comes with a roughly $2 million pay raise.
If true, Fisher will be the second highest paid college coach in the country .
Students here at FSU have mixed feelings on Fisher’s resignation, but the overwhelming majority we spoke with say they’re shocked and saddened by the news.
“It’s a huge loss for the Florida State community, it’s a huge loss for the football community, especially for the die-hard Florida State Fans,” said FSU student Ben James.
“I don’t know it’s kind of bittersweet to me because I’ve been following for a long time,” said student Zack Berglund.
“I’ve been a fan since I was like 8-years-old. I’ve been waiting to come to this school and it’s like really upsetting,” said student Sam Moreland.
Fischer signed a contract extension with FSU last year, that was supposed to keep him with the team through the 2024-25 season.
“You know our team has a lot of potential and he’s just kind of giving up because of some easy money and a lot of pressure,” said student Will Singleton.
One student said she was happy to hear Fisher was gone, pointing at the teams 5-6 record this season.
“I hope that we can get better coaches. I don’t like what he’s been doing to the program right now,” said FSU student Alexis Taylor.
Fisher leaves ahead of FSU’s final game of the season scheduled for Saturday.
FSU says assistant coach Odell Haggins will serve as the teams interim coach for the last game.

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