Legislation Proposed to Ban Bump Stocks
October 9th, 2017 by Jake StofanBackground checks for the sale of a firearm are up 28 percent for the fist eight days of October, which correlates with he massacre in Nevada.
An average of 17 thousand background checks for conducted for the 8 day period over the last five years.
This years checks total nearly 22,000.
Monday, State Senator Linda Stewart filed legislation to stop the sale of Bump Stocks…the device used by the Vegas shooter to simulate an automatic weapon.
“The national attention that’s been placed on it and discussion has already begun, that I think people now understand what this stock would do to semi automatics, and since automatic is already illegal it just makes sense. So I think that we should be able to come together on something here in Florida and hopefully if it’s passed nationwide it’d be better,” said Sen. Stewart.
NRA supporters in the state Capitol appear to be warming to the ban after the NRA said a the national level that that ATF should regulate bump stocks the same way they regulate automatic weapons.
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