Florida Students Excited For Bright Futures Boost
July 14th, 2017 by Jake StofanFlorida’s top scholars are getting ready to receive a big funding boost.
Beginning in August, an estimated 40,000 students in the state will get a boost in their scholarships to take off some of the financial burden.
Bright Futures has been covering about half of the average 51 hundred dollar a year tuition.
Now it will cover the entire cost.
“Even after tuition I still have my dorm and books so yeah I’m really excited,” said FSU student Abby Wingate.
Top Students will even have 300 dollar cash for books.
“It’ll definitely help my parents, my family cover that because they have me in school and then my sister as well,” said FSU student Elena Lavoll.
The average student loan debt for graduates leaving college in 2016 was more than $37,000.
Even with scholarships loans are a necessity for some.
In FSU student Rachel Faircloth’s case, she works two jobs on top of taking loans just to get by.
“I will definitely quit one of my jobs with the extra money and actually be able to spend my money and enjoy it,” said Faircloth.
Top recipients will also be able to use their bright futures over the summer for the first time.
The funding for the boost was included in this year’s appropriations bill, so the increase will run out after one year.
Governor Rick Scott vetoed the higher education bill that would have made the changes permanent, citing issues with the bill he felt would hurt community colleges.
Student’s with more than a year to graduation and younger siblings are hoping the legislature makes the changes permanent next year.
“My little sister, she does have Bright Futures so it would be awesome if they could help her or any friends,” said FSU student Lauren McDaniel.
Governor Rick Scott in his veto letter called upon the Legislature to make the additional funds permanent next session.
Committee meetings begin in the Fall.
The changes took affect July 1st, most students will start seeing money from the boost come Fall semester.
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