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Florida’s Budget by the Minute

June 30th, 2017 by Mike Vasilinda

Florida’s new budget begins at midnight tonight. and as Mike Vasilinda tells us, it will cost each man woman and child in Florida, on average, about four thousand dollars.

83 billion is a lot of money. Here’s how it’s being spent:

Each sunrise will see the state spending 227 million dollars. That’s 9. 4 million an hour, 157 thousand a minute and 26 hundred dollars a second.

In the 46 seconds it takes this stoplight to change from red to green, the state will spend sixteen thousand dollars on roads and transportation.

Heath care is the single biggest budget item at 72 million dollars a day.

Schools are next at 65 million a day…or 2 point 7 million an hour.

The 12 State Universities cost 316 thousand dollars an hour to run.  We asked FSU Student Hannah Keller from Tampa what she thought about the cost.

Q: “If I told you it costs about seven thousand dollars a minute to operate all of the universities, what would you say?”

“Wow. I think it’s pretty expensive, but its definitely worth it” Keller told us.

The court system is one of the best buys. Every judge, prosecutor, and public defender costs taxpayers just under a thousand dollars a minute. That works out to 1 point four million a day.

The cost per person? Just over 42 hundred dollars for every man, woman, and child in the state.

The Governor’s top two priorities, Visit Florida and Enterprise Florida total161 million  That’s just under a half million a day. Governor Rick Scott says he’s still working on the cost of government.

“We have the second lowest per capita taxes in the country now. My goal would be the lowest. got another year to go” says Scott.

And in the minute and half it took to tell this story, state government spent about 225 thousand dollars.

Just running the general functions of Government, paying rent and the light bill is costing taxpayers just over eleven million dollars a day.

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