Morton Apologizes for “Poor Choice of Words”
June 21st, 2017 by Jake Stofan
Florida’s Board of Governors were told statistics show women graduates make less than their male counterparts a year after leaving school.During the Tuesday meeting, board member Ed Morton suggested teaching salary negotiating skills for women, but also said the gap may be genetic.“The women are given, maybe some of it’s genetic, I don’t know. I’m not smart enough to know the difference, but I do know that negotiating skills can be something that can be honed and we can improve,” said Morton.Morton, appointed by Governor Rick Scott, was quickly condemned by the Governor in a statement issued by his press secretary: “As a father of two daughters, the Governor absolutely does not agree with this statement.”
Morton has since apologized, issuing a statement but refusing interviews. He says in part, “I chose my words poorly. My belief is that women and men should be valued equally in the workplace.”The controversy comes after legislation failed in the 2017 regular session that attempted to close the wage gap between men and women.More women than men graduate from Florida universities, still women’s median starting salaries are $5,500 less than men.Dr. Wayne Hochwarter a professor of Organizational Behavior at FSU says the gap is more likely a result of women choosing professions that pay less.“Whereas you still have a large section of young men who are also in the business school and engineering and in medical areas, as well as the legal profession,” said Dr. Hochwarter.
Dr. Hockwarter also says research shows women often times are better prepared and better equipped for situations like negotiating salaries.The report presented to the Board of Governors also revealed African American graduates make $3,500 less that other graduates in their first jobs.
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