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New Political Ads Target Controversial Education Bill

May 24th, 2017 by Jake Stofan
The battle over the Legislature’s sweeping Education bill is heating up with new political ads.
Those in support and those against the bill are trying to win public support.
House bill 7069 grew from a dozen pages to 278 pages over a weekend.
Negotiations were behind closed doors.
The secretive nature has many calling for the Governor to veto the bill.
The legislation is the top priority for House Speaker Richard Corcoran.
The House has it’s own video, hoping to school the public on what it believes are the bills benefits.
On the night lawmakers went home, the Speaker called the legislation, “The greatest educational K-12 policy that we’ve passed in the history of the state.”
Lawmakers tried to craft the bill in a way to make it veto proof.
The bill appeals to parents with mandatory recess for elementary students. It has 30 million for special needs scholarships.
“They can now appeal to the public and appeal to the governor saying look you don’t want to lose these great pieces so we’re going to kind of force you to swallow the bitter pill,” said Rich Templin with Florida AFL-CIO.
It also has 140 million for new charter schools.
The Florida Education Association says the bad heavily out weighs the good.
“For us it’s a veto straight up,” said President of FEA, Joanne McCall.
Even Commissioner of Agriculture and Gubernatorial hopeful Adam Putnam is speaking out.
“Many of the members who were asked to vote on it were unaware of all the different things that were taped together at the last second,” said Putnam.
Once the Governor receives the bill he’ll have 15 days to decide whether or not to veto it.
The Department of Education declined to comment on the story.

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