Letters and Petitions Seek Veto of Whiskey and Wheaties Bill
May 11th, 2017 by Jake StofanLegislation to allow big box stores to sell liquor on their shelves was one of the most heavily lobbied bill of the session, It was lead by Walmart and Target.
“We all know who is pushing this bill. The two big companies that are pushing this bill,” said Senator Jack Latvala in debate on the bill.
Rick Scott has until May 24th to decide whether to sign or veto the legislation.
Scott Dick lobbies for Florida based ABC liquors. He’s battling until the end.
“You would see a smaller foot print from ABC and you would see a reduction in employment as well,” said Dick.
A petition with more than 3,000 signatures has been signed by liquor store owners, employees and customers encouraging a veto.
The petition along with 600 letters were delivered to the Governor Thursday Morning.
“You know we have a chance for a veto. You’re looking at a number of jobs that would be eliminated if this goes into effect,” said Dick.
Supporters say the prohibition has outlived its usefulness., but that didn’t stop a hundred
liquor store owners from pushing lawmakers to vote no on lifting the ban on grocery stores selling liquor.
“I will be out of business. I won’t be able to fulfill my leases,” said liquor store owner, Reekee Patel.
On the House Floor the bill’s sponsor Bryan Avila argued other states with similar laws don’t see their liquor stores hurting.
“The fact is none of those states have gone back,” said Rep. Avila.
Opponents believe as many as 300 of the states one thousand independent liquor stores could be immediately affected by the bill being signed into law.
There have been over three thousand documented calls and letters sent to the Governors Office in support of the Bill.
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