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Gambling moving quickly as lawmakers fear court intervention

April 27th, 2017 by Mike Vasilinda

For the first time since 2010, state lawmakers are increasing the odds a new gambling deal will emerge by the time they finish, and as Mike Vasilinda tells us, it could result in fewer greyhounds being raced, and more slots in counties that have approved them.

Greyhounds may not be racing much longer. Lawmakers are moving toward allowing dog tracks to stop racing greyhounds. Undecided is whether county voters where tracks are located must first vote. Either way. aAnimal rights activist Carey thief is elated.

“I’m confident that we’ll pass those referendums, but there will be a delay. More dogs will be injured. More dogs will die” says Thiel of Grey2K USA.

Gambling legislation is moving for the first time since 2010 because lawmakers fear a pending court ruling. Lobbyist Ron Book  says the so called Gretna case has lawmakers looking over their shoulder.

“That’s what in part is certainly pushing the House, the court decisions, and not wanting further expansion by judicial edict as opposed to conscious edict by the policy makers” says Book.

Lawmakers also want a quick decision because they also face pressure from a proposed citizen’s initiative that wold give any future gambling changes in the future to citizens.

Still on the table is whether 8 counties where voters approved slots will get them. The Senate, which proposed the idea is holding firm, but offered to reduce the number of machines to appease a reluctant house. Representative Jose Felix Diaz

“The Federal courts. they continue to take positions that expand gaming in Florida. And if we really want to curb gaming, it would some sense to expand a little.”

Naples Ft. Myers dog track operator Izzy Havenick is hopeful.

“It’s the hardest thing to run a business when any day things could change. You don’t know tomorrow what’s going to be legal, You don’t know two days down the road” says Havenick.

Lawmakers also want to come to a deal because they need the cash more games will bring, especially if they lost the case now coming from the Seminole tribe.

The legislation, as proposed, would also remove any legal questions about daily Fantasy sports games.

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