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Law Enforcment Honors Fallen Hero’s and their Families

April 24th, 2017 by Mike Vasilinda

Hundreds of police officers from across the state were in the State Capitol today to pay tribute to the officers who were lost last year. And as Mike Vasilinda tells us, pay tribute to those who survived.

Hundreds of officers paraded a half dozen blocks to the Capitol to show respect for their fallen brothers and sisters.

The families of those being remembered filled a hundred seats or more. FDLE Deputy Commission Don Lardner promised the state would remember their fallen hero and those they left behind.

“To the families we also promise to you that we will never forget you. You are out hero. your sacrifice continues day in and day out” Lardner told the audience.

Ten new names were added to the memorial, Seven who dies this year, and three that were previously unknown.

Massachusetts State Trooper John Kotfila Sr. came to remember his son John, a  Hillsborough deputy who blocked a wrong way driver from killing two others wth his car. He died in a fiery crash.

“My son was a special individual and we didn’t know how many lives of pople he that he touched. I’ve had people come up to me, involving cases he’s been involved in three or four years ago, and tell me what a wonderful person he was and how caring he was” the Senior officer told us.

Stephen Oliver was near tears recalling his older brother Eric, a Nassau County Deputy, killed while chasing an illegal immigrant on foot.

“He was always looking out for everybody else, except for himself. You know, he wanted to do what was right.” says Stephen.

A 21 gun salute ended the ceremony.

2 florida officers have already died in the line of duty since the beginning of the year.  Both from Orlando.

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