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Capitol News Service » Blog Archive » State Attorney Aramis Ayala Addresses Black Caucus

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State Attorney Aramis Ayala Addresses Black Caucus

April 3rd, 2017 by Jake Stofan

State Attorney Aramis Ayala fired shots at Governor Rick Scott while addressing the Black Caucus claiming he has only communicated with her once since taking her off the Market Lloyd case along with 21 other first degree murder cases.

She told the caucus during their brief phone call, Governor Scott declined to hear out why she made the decision not to seek the death penalty.

She defended her position, referencing the National and State Supreme Court’s recent rulings on Florida’s death penalties along with statistics.

“It’s not a deterrent. There’s no evidence that it is and more importantly when I looked at the uniform crime reports, the states that have death penalties, their law enforcement officers are at a higher risk of being killed in the line of duty than the states that do not have death penalties,” said Ayala.

Ayala was given the backing of the caucus.

Ayala said she planned to seek action against Governor Scott, but declined to comment further.

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