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Hundreds rally to save State Attorney’s job

March 30th, 2017 by Mike Vasilinda

300 people from across the state rallied in support of Orlando State Attorney Aramis Ayala today at the State Capitol, bringing with them more than a hundred thousand petitions in support of her decision not to seek death sentences.  She wasn’t there, but she is expected next week as the Governor weighs whether to suspend her.

Supporters of the State Attorney’s decision not to pursue death sentences came from nearly every corner of the state with unified message.

Raymond Jackson âme from Walton County “Because we feel like injustice was served.”

Russel Meyer came to represent the FL Council of Churches from Tampa  “It’s very simple. thou shall not kill. Please don’t kill in my name” he said.

Darlene Farah’s daughter was murdered in 2013. The Jacksonville mom has consistently sought life for her daughters killer. She believes the Orlando state attorney is doing the right thing.

“She knows the procedures of the death penalty and feel like she’s looking out for the best interests of the people in the community” said the death penalty opponent.

Randolph Bracy, the State Senator who represents Orlando, where prosecutor Ayala chose not to seek death for a cop killer, says the Governor and lawmakers need to keep their hands off.

“She was independent elected by the ninth Circuit and she has the power to make that decision Bracy told the crowd.”

Herman Lindsey knows about death sentences first hand. He is one of 26 Floridas exonerees.

“I think this is the beginning of the ending of the death penalty” says the former death row inmate.

State Attorney Ayala did not come to this rally, but she is expected to be here Monday night to meet with the back Caucus.

Lawmakers continue to call for her removal from officer and are considering cutting her budget. Organizers delivered more than a hundred thousand on line petitions to the Governor. He wasn’t in town, but said in Tampa he’s still considering his options.

“I am still shocked she made this decision” says Scott.

scott added that Cop killer Markeith Lloyd should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law…which is death.

If the Governor decides to suspend the State Attorney, she would face a trial by the State Senate, which would’t likely take place until early next year.

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