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Whiskey and Wheaties Clears Senate

March 23rd, 2017 by Mike Vasilinda

The State Senate voted today to kill a prohibition era law that requires liquor stores to be stand alone businesses. Walmart and Target have been leading the fight to “tear down the wall”. Sponsor Anitere Flores of Miami says it is outdated

“If retailers want to, they can sell distilled spirits int he same format as they sell beer and wine. This is not a mandate.”

Keli Stargel of Lakeland told colleagues the legislation would lead to impulse buying.

“You have to physically walk out, check out, and you had to walk into the liquor store to buy your liquor. It was an intention decision and it wasn’t an impulse buy. With this change, you can be walking in the store on a bad day after work, and pick up a fifth of 180 proof grain alcohol, and literally kill yourself that night if you drink it.” says Stargel.

The legislation is on a fast track in both the House and Senate. The legislation was amended to phase in over a five year period to give small liquor stores a change to adjust to the change.

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