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Marijuana research could be coming to a university near you

January 7th, 2017 by Mike Vasilinda

The Federal government still classifies cannabis as a dangerous drug with no benefits, and as a result,  there has been little research into why the drug seems to be medicinal or the long term effects of its high.. But as Mike Vasilinda tells us, one powerful state Senator wants to change the states role in research.

Banned in the 30’s marijuana got a bad rap until use spread like wildfire in the 60’s. Pot remained a hot potato for Florida politicians for more than 50 years. then two years ago,  two mothers, Holly Mosley and Page Figi lobbied for the first low TCH bill. telling lawmakers noting else would help their seizure ridden daughters.

“We got to see first hand that plant is having for these children” said Holly during rule making hearings.

Now one powerful state Senator says we need to know a lot more. State Senator Bill Galvano wants the state to pay for research.

Sot: Sen. Bill Galvano


“We are relying on anecdotal evidence. We have a dirty of research from the feds for a variety of reasons and it’s important for us to understand both the benefits and potential hazards of this plant and drug as we go forward.”

Galvano would send money to Moffit Cancer Center at USF.

Other Universities like Florida A&M may get some cash.

Earlier this year, the last line of the legislation expanding the drug for use by terminally ill patients specifically allowed research in Florida Universities. Tim Moore is FAMU’s  VP for Research

“We have a product that has come medical relief that comes with it, so we’ll be looking at what are the actual features of the plant that may be more medicinally important for the pharmaceutical industry” says Moore.

And the overwhelming approval of expanded medical marijuana by voters is a green light for anything lawmakers decide they can afford. It’s also proof that time changes almost everything.one reason for the lack of federal researches that cannabis is illegal under federal law. the Obama administration has looked the other way, but a new administration could change that policy.

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