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Trump Champions Rick Scott, Pam Bondi high on President-elect’s list

November 10th, 2016 by Mike Vasilinda

Governor Rick Scott and Attorney General Pam Bondi both played key roles in helping President Elect Trump win Florida. Now, as Mike Vasilinda tells us, bot could be poised to play keep roles in Washington.

Pam Bondi endorsed Donald trump the day before Florida’s primary in March, Rick Scott did so the day after. Scott also ran the Rebuild America Now PAC. He raised and spent 20 million in key battle ground states for Trump.

“Hillary’s priorities are not your priorities” chimed one of the ads.

Now, Scott could likely have any job he wants in DC, but he says he’s  counting the days he has left as governor.

“Governor, if you are offered a job, and there is a rumor you could be offered Health and Human Services Secretary, would you take it?” we asked.

”No” he responded, then went on to say “Here’s the way I look at it. I have 789 days left in this job. I ran hard to get this job, twice. And both hard fought races and I really believe in this state.  think about what I have the opportunity to do; We have the opportunity to give more people a job, improve education every day.”

Scott is widely expected to seek a US Senate Seat in 2018. But Pam Bondi’s future is much more murky.”

We asked Scott if Bondi has a place in a Trump Administration.

“If I was President-elect, she is somebody I would look at” Scott told us.


Melissa Stone is one of Scott’s closed confidants. She believes Scott could win a third term as governor if not for term limits.

“I think you are seeing voters who have one issue. they want the economy to grow, they want jobs to be added,  That’s been Governor Scott’s singular mission, and also a focus for Donald Trump” says Stone.

But in Washington or not, Trump is not likely to forget what Scott and Bondi did to help.

We reached out to Attorney General Pam Bondi, she did not return calls or texts to her cell phone. She was with Donald Trump in New York last night.


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