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Firefighters Douse Amendment 1 Endorsement

November 7th, 2016 by Mike Vasilinda

Call it a November Surprise. The Professional Firefighters of Florida is rescinding it’s endorsement of Amendment one. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, the 25,000 member union found the amendment was too controversial.

The pro Amendment one spot 1 implied, without actually saying that solar was the reason for too many unnecessary fires.

“In my job, I see a lot of fires that could have been stopped before they started” chimed the tv message from an Orlando firefighter in full gear.

The board for the Professional Firefighters of Florida made the initial endorsement. Then, after hearing from more than a thousand rank and file members who were’t happy, the board unanimously rescinded their support and immediately asked the TV spot and other advertising be taken down. Jim Tolly is their President.

“And it had just become very controversial on both sides. and so we didn’t go to a vote no position, we just withdrew our endorsement and took no position” Tolly reluctantly told us.

“Consumers for Smart Solar declined to go on camera, but they did send a statement, saying only that they are disappointed.”

No on 1 activists say the about face is in keeping with what they have dubbed the shady solar amendment. Colleen Castille is the former Environment Protection Secretary and now operates a Clean Technology consulting business.
“When it came to light the they were supporting someone that most of them didn’t’t even know about, and it was kind of a sham anyway, I wasn’t surprised.” says Castille.

This is the second major gaffe for the utility backed amendment. In October a James Madison institute Vice President is heard in a leaked recording saying that solar’s popularity could be used against it.

“We can use a little bit of political jujitsu and take take what they are hitting us on and use it to our benefit” is how Sal Nuzzo described the effort to a conference in Tennessee.

The firefighters now say if they have concerns about safety, they will ask state lawmakers to address their issues rather than putting them into the constitution.

Anchor Tag: Amendment one has been polling around 60 percent, which is the required threshold for approval.

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