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“Don’t Boo, Vote” Initiative Hits Universities Around the State

October 31st, 2016 by flanews

Early voting ends either this Saturday or Sunday depending on your county, and as Matt Galka tells us, today a statewide effort to get students to the polls for free kicked off the final week heading into election day.

Jasmine Smith had been helping register students at Florida State campus before the deadline. Now, she’s trying to get them to the polls.

“Not every student has a car or a way to get to the polls, and even though election day is November 8th, that day doesn’t always work out for everyone,” she said.

It’s part of the “Don’t Boo, Vote” initiative. Former state Representative and Hillary Clinton supporter Curtis Richardson says turnout is always a concern and that apathy and not voting is a vote for the opponent.

“It is particularly important that students show up to the polls because it’s their future that is at stake,” he said.

The shuttles departed from FSU’s student union. People could sign up for a set time or some got scooped up along the way. They were then brought to a polling place and back to campus in about 20 minutes, and similar events were going on statewide at other Florida universities.

Earlier this month, two Florida State political scientists cautioned a group of interested voters to not get apathetic and get caught up in polls that predict election outcomes. They even mentioned the fallout after Brexit – when England voted to leave the European Union earlier this year.

“A number of voters after Brexit said ‘well I didn’t think it was going to really happened so I went and voted and expressed myself but I didn’t think it was going to happen.” And I think it’s important for people to express their will and express their interests when they vote,” said FSU political scientist Brad Gomez.

As of Monday, more than 3.7 million Floridians have already voted.

The University of Florida, UCF and USF had similar initiatives. Republicans lead Democrats by about 9 thousand votes cast so far in early voting. 631 thousand no party affiliates have also voted.

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