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Florida in the Middle of New Report Ranking State’s Gun Laws and Gun Violence

October 18th, 2016 by flanews

Florida is right in the middle when it comes to a new report correlating state’s gun laws and gun violence. But as Matt Galka tells us, some democrats in the state say we are going in the wrong direction.

Stricter gun laws equals less gun violence. That’s the takeaway from the Center for American Progress that ranked every state in order of how their mandates related to gun violence.

The findings: the 10 states with the loosest gun laws had more than three times the amount of gun violence than the state’s with the 10 strictest laws. Florida was 27.

But Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum says things are going in the wrong direction.

“I think it’s appropriate in this state that we take a really good, hard, strong look at the laws that we’ve enabled, or the absence thereof, that are creating the conditions, in my opinion for gun violent events that could be prevented,” he said.

And he says his hands are tied.

“In the state of Florida we pre-empt local governments from making their own decision making when it comes to keeping their community safe,” said Gillum.

But over at Talon gun range, about 20 minutes away from the Capitol, they say the laws are working. J.D. Johnson helps run the classes that allow people to get concealed carry permits.

“Florida has kind of been the trendsetter a lot of other state’s laws, like the Castle Doctrine laws, and the self defense laws in Florida, are mirrored in a lot of other states,” he said.

This isn’t Gillum’s first time taking on the gun issue. He’s currently involved in a lawsuit with the NRA and other pro-2nd amendment groups for not repealing an ordinance banning the firing of weapons in city parks.

The criteria used to measure gun violence included suicide, fatal gun accidents, gun murders, and mass shootings. Louisiana ranked worst for gun violence while Massachusetts ranked best.

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