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Governor Frustrated Over Zika Stalemate

September 8th, 2016 by flanews

More than 650 people in the state have tested positive for the Zika virus – transmitted both locally and abroad.  As Matt Galka tells us, a stalemate in Washington D.C. over funding has Florida’s Governor frustrated.

New moms Racquel Pogge and Kyla Heap say they don’t think about the Zika virus much now, but it was a different story just a few months ago.

“It was concerning being pregnant, hearing about all the things, the birth defects that can happen,” said Heap.

But the friends, who had their children 10 and six weeks ago, say that the Government shouldn’t stop caring about Zika – which poses the most risk to pregnant women.

“It can end a life, it’s life effecting, so it’s just as important as everything else we are funding,” said Pogge.

But a stalemate in Congress has led to no bill being produced that would provide money to help fight the virus. Pinellas County Congressman David Jolly brought a jar of mosquitoes to the house floor to try and make a point this week.

“This is the reason for the urgency, this is the reason for the fear,” he said.

And with Zika cases not going away, the Governor is saying just give me some funding.

Governor Rick Scott was scheduled to make his case in Washington DC this week but hurricane Hermine changed his plans.

“What I care about is getting the funding, my view of the world is that this is such a significant health risk, that I don’t know why they can’t come together. Why don’t they just think about…these are pregnant women with developing babies, why don’t we focus on them?” he said.

One of the sticking points – whether or not the more than one billion dollar plan provides funding for Planned Parenthood – with even some conservatives suggesting that they should drop that fight so they can pass a bill.

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