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FPL seeking one point three billion for “good service”

August 22nd, 2016 by Mike Vasilinda

A months long hearing into whether Florida Power and Light should be allowed to increase its rates by one point three billion dollars a year began today in the state Capitol. FPL spokeswoman Sarah Gatewood says the company has earned the increase because it’s done such a good job keeping rates low.

“We have worked very hard to improve service for customers and in keeping their bills low. We’ve lowered rates four times over the last two years. We want to continue to make the smart investments we can improve our service while keeping our bills low, among the lowest in the nation and the states” says Gatewood.

But the State Public Counsel and AARP say the company should return 800 million a year, not get more. Kenneth Thomas is an AARP volunteer on fixed income.

“Salaries aren’t going up that quickly. Retirement incomes are not going up very quickly. As a matter of fact those in my community on fixed incomes, we haven’t seen a reasonable rate increase in several years.this is really a severe burden on older adults, on all adults” says Thomas.

A decision is expected in October for rates that would take effect at the beginning of the year.


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