Rigged Election? Not in Florida!
August 16th, 2016 by flanewsElections can get feisty and downright nasty…and 2016’s unique election cycle is no different. As Matt Galka tells us, the GOP’s presidential nominee says if he loses, the election must’ve been rigged, but voting officials here in Florida say not so fast.
A rigged election? That’s what one candidate is suggesting. But it’s not likely to happen here in Florida. After all, we are talking about the state with a storied history of election messes and fixes. Does Bush-Gore in 2000 ring a bell?
Florida’s Supervisors of Elections Association put out a statement last week casting doubt on the rigged election talk.
Ron Labasky is the counsel for the association. When you ask him about a fixed election in November…
“I think that it would be virtually impossible,” he said.
He says safeguards put in place nearly a decade ago help to deter fraud.
“The fact that we have a paper ballot obviously ensures that if there were any question about a vote not being properly tabulated or the count being incorrect, you can go back and compare those individual pieces of paper rather than relying on some computer generated result,” he said.
Bottom line: the message from the county elections officials to the more than 12 million registered voters in the state – we won’t screw this up.
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