Smart Car Revolution
August 10th, 2016 by Mike VasilindaChicago – A dozen or so Florida lawmakers are in Chicago this week for a national conference discussing challenges facing the states. St. Petersburg State Senator Jeff Brandes is participating on a panel discussing the future of autonomous vehicles. Ironically, earlier this week, vehicle makers had to cancel a planned demonstration because the laws in Illinois don’t allow the self driving cars. Brandes told the panel that Florida lisin the drivers seat when it comes to being self driving friendly.
“This is going to transform public transportation mobility as we know it in a way that we haven’t seen since the transformation from the horse and buggy to the Model T. this is our generations transformation. I think even more so than a smart phone. I know that that is probably a pretty bold statement, but I think you are going to see a public transportation transformation that occurs in our cities and communities in a way that is much more profound than a smart phone has made our individual lives” says Brandes.
Brandes says that although Florida is also the home of one of the few deaths that have occurred while testing self driving cars, the mistake in programming that allowed the accident earlier this year will not be repeated.
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