Making America Great Again?
August 4th, 2016 by Mike VasilindaFlorida Governor Rick Scott was among the first to indorse Donald Trump and this week recommitted his support for the Donald, saying he is the jobs candidate, but as Mike Vasilinda tells us, Scott dodged a question about Trumps efforts to hire foreign nationals to work in Florida.
Donald Trumps Make America Great Again message is one of the reasons he’s the GOP nominee.
On Wednesday in Jacksonville he told reporters his campaign is all about American jobs.
“It’s about bringing our jobs back. Our jobs are being decimated. we are losing our companies” says Trump.
”I’m Hillary Clinton.” But a new ad from the Clinton Campaign takes Trump to task for manufacturing many of his products overseas.
“Where are the shirts made? Bangladesh” That’s good. we employ people in Bangladesh. Ties..where are the ties made? Beautiful ties.They are great ties. They’re made where, in China. China” says the ad, which shows Trump talking to David Letterman.
Last month Trump filed paperwork with the Department of Labor, saying that he couldn’t find enough Americans willing to work as Housekeeps, cooks, and servers at two properties in Palm Beach.
Those jobs reportedly pay between 10.17 and 12.74 an hour.
“I have a choice” Rick Scott said this week, contrasting the two main Presidential candidates.
Scott has repeatedly said his support of Trump is because they share the same concerns about jobs, but Scott this week sidestepped a question about trump seeking to hire foreigners.
Q:”He says he can’t find enough people in Florida to do those jobs.”
A:”Well, you can talk to Donald Trump about what he’s doing with his business. But here’s what I can tell you. I want…I’m proud the private sector in our state has added 1,127,000 jobs” says Scott.
Scott is also serving as the Chairman the Rebuild America Now which produced a spot criticizing Clinton for saying no law could stop outsourcing.
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