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Do Not Call List Tops One Million, but the Phone Keeps Ringing

July 27th, 2016 by flanews

The phone rings, you pick it up, only to be solicited by a business or telemarketer. As Matt Galka tells us, the state is celebrating a milestone for the list that’s supposed to be helping end those pesky phone calls, but many Floridians are saying there’s a disconnect.

Amy Reznik signed up for the Do Not Call list hoping to stop the telemarketers from making the phone ring.  But they’re still calling.

“It’s very annoying,” she said.

Reznik is unfortunately one of many Floridians that pick up the phone only to be pestered by a real person…or a robot.

‘The robo calls almost sound like a human, but you know that it isn’t a human because you give them a response and it’s not appropriate,” said Reznik.

We even got one at the office while working on the story. The Department of Agriculture says more than one million Floridians have their names on the Do Not Call list, with more than 900,000 signing up since fees went away in 2012.

“Florida’s Do Not Call list is the most effective way to get rid of some of those calls, but some people still might receive calls. There are exemptions to the law, if you’ve recently done business with somebody, or charitable organizations are allowed to reach out,” said Department of Agriculture Press Secretary Aaron Keller.

Do Not Call list violations routinely top the list of consumer complaints into the Department, but they say they’re doing they’re part. They gave us a list of the companies they’ve fined in the past year, some multiple times, totaling more than one million dollars. But, so far, they’ve been able to collect just under $97,000 dollars.

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