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Off to the Races; Candidate Qualifying Begins

June 20th, 2016 by Mike Vasilinda


Today is the official beginning of what many are calling the most chaotic election cycle in recent history.  As Mike Vasilinda tells us, this is the week for would be candidates to put up or shut up.

One candidate you’ve probably never heard of parked semi trucks outside the office where candidate qualify.

“So pronounce Rocky’s name for me.”

“Rocky DeLa Fuente”

Rocky’s running for the US Senate. Then, at noon.

“Qualifying is now open” said Secretary of State Ken Detzner.

Alex barrio, a candidate for House District 49 jockeyed to be first in line.

“First person to submit their paperwork? Right? Number one” he asked.

By late June, most candidates and races have been well settled. That’s not the case this year says Democratic Consultant Screven Watson.

Q:: So how would you describe this political year so far?”

“Crazy.  I don’t think we’ve seen anything like this, Mike, in decades. It’s amazing, but in the state Senate on the Democratic side of the isle, only four incumbents are coming back. that’s crazy” says Watson.

That’s four our of fourteen. Setting up dominos that will fall all week.

And between now and Friday anything is possible.

And we watched as David Johnson filed the paperwork for two republican State Senate candidates.

“It’s bit of redistricting, it’s an angry electorate.”

But with all than anger, the approach doesn’t appear to be changing.

A Congressional Ad has a familiar theme: “Rising healthcare costs. More debt. More waste.”

Johnson says its a strong message in a GOP primary.

“Opposition to the Presidents policies is very popular, popular platform to run on” says the GOP consultant.

Also not changing is the write-in candidate law, allowing a straw candidate to close a primary simply by submitting some free paperwork, thwarting the idea that everyone’s voice should count.

Candidates who belong to a political party can pay a fee equal to six percent of the job’s annual salary to qualify. No party affiliates pay a lesser fee. Write in candidates pay nothing.

Let the Games Begin00000006

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