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Gun Sales Surge After Orlando Shooting

June 16th, 2016 by flanews

It probably takes you longer to buy groceries or go to the gym than it took the Orlando shooter to buy one of his murder weapons and walk out the door.  Matt Galka went to a gun store in the capital city looking for an assault rifle…and tells us how many people around the state are stocking up.

I was looking for an assault rifle in Tallahassee, and found one pretty easily.  I could have gotten out the door pretty quick, too.

“About 10 minutes,” said Folmar Gun & Pawn owner Mark Folmar.

He says the going rate for some of his used semi automatic rifles is a little over $600 bucks, and he’s used to seeing a spike in sales following mass shootings.

“There usually is a spike anytime the President talks about any type of gun control,” said Folmar.

A driver’s license – which doesn’t have to be from Florida – and a background check is what’s required.  Folmar says business has been normal this week.

“We’ve had so many of these in the past where the president has said he’s going to do something, I think most of the people who had the urge to run out and buy something quickly, most of those people have already done it,” he said.

But numbers from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement show that Floridians aren’t slowing down with gun purchases. From Sunday through Tuesday of this week – FDLE ran more than 9800 background checks for gun sales.  The same three day span in 2015 showed there were just under 4500 checks run. That’s more than double following the shooting.

While I could’ve taken a long gun home today the rules are different for a handgun. They require a three day waiting period.

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