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Grandparents Rights Questioned at Supreme Court

June 7th, 2016 by Mike Vasilinda

Florida Courts have already said a parents right supersedes those of grandparents when it comes to visitation, but a unique case at the start Supreme Court could change that for some grandparents. A set of Colorado grandparents won the right to spend three weeks a year with the children of their deceased son, but the mother moved to Central Florida. Now the case before the court is whether the state should enforce the Colorado Court order or State Law. Jamie B. Moses, the lawyer for the mother, says Florida law should prevail.

“The Florida Constitution affords parents the right to privacy and complete autonomy in child rearing.  And the Colorado visitation order violates that. Period” says Moses.

But the grandparents attorney,  Andrew Windle, says not honoring the Colorado court order could make the Sunshine state a haven for fleeing parents.

“And this, hopefully, will prevent Florida from becoming a safe harbor for parents who don’t want to honor grandparents visitation rights. To do otherwise would turn many of our policy decisions into swiss cheese. and allow Floria to harbor people who want to contravene  law implemented by other states that was appropriately applied to them in a fair and just proceeding” says Windle.

The court asked tough questions of both sides. It’s ruling is expected later this year.

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