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Dawson Family Attorney Disappointed Cop Not Charged

June 1st, 2016 by flanews

The decision to not charge the arresting officer on scene when Panhandle woman Barbara Dawson died late last year after being removed from a hospital is angering the family’s attorneys. They spoke to our Matt Galka.

Late last year – 57 year old Barbara Dawson went to the Calhoun Liberty Hospital in Florida’s panhandle to get help…but later died after being forcibly removed.

The strange incident grabbed national headlines.  Dawson had been a frequent visitor but refused to leave after being discharged.

Dashcams caught some of the scene. Her oxygen tank was disconnected and she collapsed in the parking lot before later dying.

14th judicial circuit state attorney said last week arresting officer John Tadlock acted appropriately and there wouldn’t be charges

Now the attorney’s for Dawson’s family say that the decision was the wrong one.

“Without question we have evidence that this lady feared for her life,” said Daryl Parks.

Attorney Daryl Parks says Dawson’s family maintains the woman was not treated appropriately.

“To die with an officer’s hands on you, while you’re asking for help, is still the case. Whether the FDLE cleared him or not, there’s still a situation where the person was asking for help. Law enforcement came, and she was in their custody and care while she was going through this medical emergency,” he said.

Parks says that there are still plans to sue both the hospital and the police department.

It was determined that Dawson died from a blood clot in her lungs.  The incident led to a state investigation that saw three hospital employees fired as well as a fine to be levied.

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