Group Puts Out First Medical Marijuana Attack Ad
May 17th, 2016 by flanewsTwo years ago, Florida was within 2 percent of a vote that would have legalized medical marijuana. As Matt Galka tells us, the effort to legalize medicinal pot is back as Amendment 2 this November…but so is a heavy opposition.
It’s expected to be the first of many attacks against Amendment 2…a medical marijuana legalization amendment voters will decide on this November.
The Vote No on 2 Campaign released a web ad this week. A sarcastic narrator does google searches of California pot shops and compares that state’s laws to Florida
“They want to legalize pot? They should just say so and let the voters decide. Instead they try to trick everyone instead. Looks like Amendment 2 is still a scam,” says the narrator.
But Medical marijuana advocates Jeff Sharkey and Taylor Biehl say some of the ads claims are misguided.
“I think it obviously tries to compare California where absolutely there’s no comparison, so it’s an attempt to try and cause some concerns in Florida. But it’s realy not a very accurate ad at all,” said Sharkey with the Medical Marijuana Business Association.
Back in 2014, a medical marijuana proposal got 58 percent of the required 60 percent of the vote and narrowly failed to pass.
Vote no on 2 helped defeat the amendment in 2014. But they could have a tougher time with a higher turnout expected in a presidential election year.
“I think they read the poll numbers as well and they have to recognize that the United for Care people recognize their shortcomings in the last campaign,” said Sharkey.
United for Care – the group behind November’s ballot initiative – bashed the ads claims as false.Amendment 2 would allow medicinal marijuana to be used on patients that have “debilitating” conditions like cancer, glaucoma, and HIV. Drug Free Florida – the group backing Vote No on 2 – says there are too many loopholes that would allow patients with minor conditions to use the drug also.
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