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High Tech Weather App Shows Data from Hundreds of Locations

May 16th, 2016 by Mike Vasilinda

A software pioneer whose passion is weather has created a network of weather stations across the state for use in schools and elsewhere. As Mike Vasilinda tells us, the goal is to make Florida the world wide leader in teaching students about the weather.

Edward Mansouri created the software used by Florida Virtual Schools, but his passion is weather.

” We have at least one of these devices in every county in Florida” he says, referring to a high tech weather center.

He’s created..at his own expense, a network of 172 weather stations. It’s called weather stem, All accessible via a phone or the web.

“Our vision with this program is to create an intersection between education and health and safety.”

Students and Teachers at this high school have been using the system for more than a year. Horticulture teacher Teresa Rockwood  says the system excites kids.

Q:”This really directly impacts what students learn?”

A:”Absolutely, and what’s really cool is that they can access it to” says Rockwood.

While those sensors will tell me everything I need to know about the weather, right here and right now, there are also almost a hundred lessons on the web site that will tell you anything you need to know about weather.

“And a lot of these lessons are very sort of fun, so you’ll see lessons on things like weather and football. So all of these have been aligned to Florida’s next generation Sunshine State Standards” says Mansouri.

The app offers coaches and others real time information using new standards to measure the impact of heat and humidity on players on the field,

“If that flag was black, then that indicates the conditions are dangerous, okay, as far as the combination as solar radiation, humidity, ,temperature, and a lack of ventilation and wind.”says Mansouri.

Mansouri expects someday to better predict, based on measurements, when and where lightening will strike.

Mansouri was selected for the innovator award at this years Governors Hurricane Conference.

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