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Crashes on the Rise

May 12th, 2016 by flanews

Feel like there’s more rubbernecking going on while you’re on the roads? Maybe you’ve been in a fender bender yourself, as Matt Galka tells us, it’s not just a feeling you have…accidents are on the rise and it could hit you in your wallet.

Florida State student Morgan Schneider was in the car with her mother not too long ago running errands.

“We got slammed and it was a huge bang. We got jolted forward, we were at a light, completely stopped. It was a three car accident, it was pretty bad,” she said.

She’s happy the scary situation wasn’t worse, but Schneider’s part of a growing trend in Florida – accidents are on the rise.

Florida’s former Insurance Commissioner Kevin McCarty told the Governor and the cabinet about the numbers at the end of April.

“About 14-15% increase in the frequency of accidents,” he said.

McCarty says the cause is simple.

“More driving, there’s just more driving,” he said.

But what does it mean for you if you’re the one with the clean record? It could still end up costing you.

Renee Ramirez with the Earl Bacon insurance agency says insurance companies have to make up for costs somehow…and that could mean charging everyone

“PIP is a way to expedite medical claims and to stop litigation, so the more fraudulent PIP claims there are, the more litigation it costs the insurance company to come out of pocket,” she said.

The Office of Insurance Regulation says that rate increases have been in line with the increase in crashes around Florida.

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