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AFP Keeping Score

May 3rd, 2016 by flanews

If you voted for a ban on fracking, expanding Medicaid, or against school choice – you probably didn’t get a high mark from one of the most politically influential advocacy groups in Florida. As Matt Galka tells us, their conservative friendly report card does show a riff with the Governor’s policies.

Florida lawmakers take thousands of votes every legislative session. From committees up to the final one.

And while plenty of advocacy groups throughout the state make report cards – one of the most conservative ones is keeping score.

“We endeavored to create a dynamic scorecard for the free market policies we tried to tackle this year that we thought were the most meaningful policies, reforms for Floridians,” said AFP Florida Director Chris Hudson.

The Americans For Prosperity – a Koch brothers funded advocacy group – released their 2016 scorecard Tuesday.  36 Republican lawmakers got an A+

But the group doesn’t see eye to eye with every policy championed by a conservative.  AFP strongly opposed Governor Rick Scott’s push for 250 million dollars worth of job incentive money.

The priority ultimately failed.  They gave Republican Senator Jack Latvala a ‘C’ – the lowest Republican Senator grade – for pushing the issue in his chamber.

“We communicate our policy positions clearly, and frankly, at a level that every activists understands and can take, arm themselves with, and then can say hey, elected official, next year can you take a better look at this corporate welfare spending piece,” said Hudson.

A majority of Florida Democrats received a D or an F grade because AFP says they took votes against economic freedom.

The group also showed where lawmakers scored in past years – with many Republican Senators receiving lower marks last year for supporting Medicaid expansion.

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