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Conference Explores Lack of Electric Grid Protection

May 2nd, 2016 by Mike Vasilinda

AUSTIN, TX- Massive solar activity or terrorist nations could bring down our electric grid with little or no warning is the message coming out of a conference in Austin Texas attended by some Florida lawmakers, and as Mike Vasilinda tells us, as bonkers as the idea sounds, it is very real.says

ATM Machines will stop spitting cash, Stoplights won’t wort, water wouldn’t run, and goods wouldn’t move if the state or nations electrical grid goes down for a prolonged period.

200 or so concerned scientists, politicians and even a former leader of the CIA were in Austin Texas this week thinking about the unthinkable, which Dr. Peter Vincent Pry says could nearly wipe out nearly everyone in America.

“it will cost 90 percent of our population if they pull this off” Pry said of terrorists.

The unthinkable would be caused an electro magnetic pulse generated so strong that it knocks out the electric grid. It happened briefly in 1859,  long before near total dependence on electricity. The EMP could come from a strong solar flare, or a low grade nuclear device set off in the atmosphere. It could be the warfare of the 21st Century and its possible today says Dr. George Baker.

“North Korea or Iran, if they thought they could get away with it, they would do it tomorrow” says Baker.

State Representative Mill Hill of Pensacola calls the conference and eye opener.

“What I am hoping to bring back to Florida, first of all, the threat that is there and very real. and how must react to that” says Hill.

Coming up with an estimated cost to fix the problem is tough, but it ranges from three dollars for every person in America, to as much as forty.

For CIA Director James Woolsey told the audience no one wants to second guess the cost of doing nothing.

Hardening the grid against attacks could take as long as three years, but experts in Austin say major steps could be taken in as little as six months.

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