Uber Legislation Still Divided
February 18th, 2016 by flanewsThe legislature is again trying to pass statewide regulations for transportation network companies like Uber. As Matt Galka tells us, both chambers have different ideas of how to handle ride sharing.
Uber touted big usage numbers around Florida Thursday. The company’s pushing for the legislature to pass a pro-transportation network company bill.
The Florida House and Senate have their own versions of how to regulate companies like Uber. Both chambers have different bills requiring minimum insurance policies and background checks.
One of the sticking points is whether or not to overrule local regulations.
House sponsor Matt Gaetz says drivers need uniform policies as they travel the state
“My favorite place to have dinner is 45 minutes away from my House. To go there I have to go through seven different political subdivisions – different cities, different counties. So if you don’t have one system that applies statewide, you functionally kill companies like Uber and Lyft because they can inadverntntly cross a boundary and break a law,” said Rep. Gaetz.
Senator Jeff Brandes says even though the bill moving through his chamber doesn’t include overruling local regulations – it’s not too big of a hurdle.
“I think special interests are trying to block this legislation adn the Florida Senate is in position to rise about that,” he said.
The Senate sponsor says he’s open to compromise. The Senate’s bill cleared its final committee Thursday afternoon.
The House already passed its version of the bill. The Senate is ready to take a full vote on its own version.
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