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House Passes Tax Cut Package, Increase in Required Local Effort

February 11th, 2016 by Mike Vasilinda

The Florida House today passed a billion dollar tax cut package that does not contain the Governor’s corporate income tax cut. But the budget also passed by the House today requires local school boards to spend more than four hundred million dollars

to increase school funding in what is called the required local effort, or RLE. The Senate wants to reduce the RLE and  House Speaker Steve Crisafulli says the House is open to the idea of reducing the cost on local property tax payers, while the House Democratic leader says the tax cut is misplaced.

“We’re open to that conversation and their approach in doing that. However if we’re just pushing money back to the locals and not cutting milage, that’s not idea unless we’re writing checks back to the people who pay property taxes. So that’s s discussion that’s left to be had” Cristifulli told reporters.

Democratic Leader Rep. Mark Pafford is critical of the tax cut package.

“The House passed a tax package giving a lot of money away to people, in my view, who don’t need it, and leaving a lot of people behind to pay important bills, and education is certainly big one” says Pafford.

The Senate plan would reduce the Required Local effort by as much as 254 million.

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