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Dog Lovers Rejoice! Protections for Pets who Bite

February 11th, 2016 by Mike Vasilinda

By a vote of 40 to nothing, the State Senate has sent a bill to the Governor allowing dog owners to explain why their dog bite someone and should not receive an automatic death sentence. The legislation was prompted by a dog named Padi who bit a child in a vets office where Padi lived. He was followed under a desk by the child he was trying to avoid. Sponsor Greg Stube said filing the bill was a no brainer.

“It took this case to bring forward this fallacy in the law, a real inequity in the law, The case of Padi became such a huge political issue for Manatee County that they asked the set to get involved and they asked my office if we could do something about it.  And when I looked at it there was just a real justice as how normal dogs were treated in a bite situation, and how previously deemed dangerous dogs were treated.”

Not one single NO vote was recorded as the legislation was heard by six committees and on the House and Senate floors.

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