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A Constitutional Gaming Amendment Could be in the Offering

January 27th, 2016 by Mike Vasilinda

The Senate Regulated Industries Committee spent an hour today talking about the Seminole Compact. The room was packed with some of the most powerful lobbyists in the state. No vote was taken, and its still not certain lawmakers will take up a bill. But if they do, State Senator Joe Abruzzo plans to offer a Constitutional amendment that would legalize slots and banked card games at parimutuel facilities statewide and use the money to reduce property taxes. .

“My plan is for the revenue of these additional gaming to go toward tp drastically reducing and in some cases eliminating property taxes. I want that question to go before voters. I want that go in front of voters statewide. and i want it to local referendums to be passed in this communities” says Abruzzo.

Abruzzo’s plan would relieve the Seminole tribe from any payments to the state, and before gambling could occur in any one county, a second vote of local voters would have to approve.

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